Sultan Kassam turns on Danny de Hek, alleging that he had intercepted whistleblowing lawyers (Constantine | Cannon) for his own personal gain. But the actual truth is that Sultan Kassam has been paid off by Stephen McCullah.

Sultan changes his mind and alleges that the videos he had helped build information on were full of lies, but he never actually says which lie he’s referring to.

They claim that they will testify in court against me. This is like the Looney Tunes show; there’s no evidence to back up their claims, and it was quite disappointing that after 3 1/2 years of fighting one battle, they turn on the people who are trying to expose the scammers. All part of living in the crypto life, I assume.”

Sultan removes all his videos from his YouTube channel exposing Stephen McCullah. He regains access to a game that he loves called Gold Inc. Sultan has put in over $70,000 into a Space Invader game, and it seems like once they removed his access to his Space Invader game, he threatened legal action and seems to have been paid off.


Introduction 00:00:00
The Looney Tunes Show 00:03:00
The Scam 00:08:07
Run Guys (Now BULLRUNNERS) 00:09:40
Cindy Piper 00:11:15
Sultan Kassam 00:18:43
Constantine | Cannon decline Legal Case 00:33:48
Clifford Niemand 00:36:53
Martin Kingsbury 00:46:05
The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger Telegram Group 00:52:09
Stephen McCullah Evidence 00:53:30
Danny de Hek YouTube Channel 00:58:20
100% Money-Back GUARANTEE 01:13:00
Conclusion 01:18:46

– Buy DANNY : DE HEK a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dehek

DANNY: DE HEK, the Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger Telegram Group! We aim to uncover illegal Ponzi schemes and scams, while exposing those who selfishly profit from get-rich-quick platforms. Together, we can combat fraud. JOIN us and make a difference!


https://odysee.com/@dehek (Danny de Hek – Odysee Channel)
https://www.youtube.com/@Bullrunners (RUN GUYS)
https://www.youtube.com/@LunaOneFradulence (Martin Kingsbury – LunaOne Fradulence)
https://www.youtube.com/@DansRoadToRiches (Dan Comeau – Dan’s Road To Riches)
https://www.youtube.com/@OGCryptoGranny (Cindy Piper – Crypto Granny)
https://www.youtube.com/@ApolloFintech (Stephen McCullah – Apollo Fintech)
https://www.youtube.com/@TheCryptoDetective (Sultan Kassam – TheCryptoDetective)

Let me remind you that everything that has been promulgated (promoted or made widely known) by Mr. Stephen McCullah has been a serious fraud;

Stephen Mccullah (LunaOne) promoted a presale offering to people where they could purchase LunaOne tokens / coins before they were listed on an exchange. Stephen Mccullah (LunaOne) didn’t release the tokens / coins for the people to sell on the listing day. The presale promotions claimed that Stephen McCullah (LunaOne) would launch coins on the exchange at $0.25 each instead the LunaOne tokens / coins were launched on the exchange at release at $0.05 each. Stephen McCullah (LunaOne) even wrote an apology to the community admitting liability.

Stephen McCullah (LunaOne) then purchased tokens / coins from the exchange at $0.05 or less and gave them to the people that purchased them at $0.10-$0.15 each. This is fraud and we have evidence to prove this.


Just 34 people who sought my assistance report a combined loss of $377,052.24, despite the promoters’ claim that 11,000 individuals participated in the pre-sale. This appears to be a classic case of pump and dump, coupled with deceptive marketing tactics.

There are several projects where individuals have reported losing money, including Apollo Currency, Apollo Fintech, Gold Secured Currency (GSX), LunaOne, Hyper Technologies, Stratus, Gold Inc, among others. McCullah has also been accused of using influential individuals such as John McAfee and Kevin O’Leary to promote his projects, and recently YouTubers known as RUN GUYS. These individuals have since removed their promotion videos.

We did have one guy (Sultan Kassam) that was trying to go after Stephen McCullah using one of the whistleblower companies. Watch it seems that Stephen intercepted this by paying him off, this is not the first time it has happened there are four other instances that I have been monitoring.

Clifford Niemand was a main developer responsible for Knox Wire (GSX) and had an argument with Steve McCullah in mid-January 2023 over unpaid work. Clifford went through a marriage break-up and stopped working for Hyper Technologies Inc., resulting in a stalemate. Steve McCullah had staffing problems and claimed to have replaced Clifford with six other workers, but the code for Knox Wire is owned by Clifford, and Steve owes him money. Clifford wants nothing to do with Steve or Knox Wire and wants out. He’s agreed to talk to me but this is never eventuated.

Website(s): lunaone.com, aplfintech.com, knoxwire.com, mccullahtech.com and uas.govt.agency