DANNY  DE HEKNew Zealand people live in a modern parliamentary democracy. It is important for all people contemplating New Zealand as their new home to learn and understand our New Zealand government. This section aims to provide migrants with a clearer understanding of the national government, the electoral process plus extensive information on the law in New Zealand, your rights and the role of the New Zealand Police. We have also added information regarding Income Tax plus important details on Tax Residency.

New Zealand is a modern parliamentary democracy. The national government comprises a single legislature, the House of Representatives, which is elected every three years rather than the five-year cycle customary in the Westminster system.

Voting is not compulsory in New Zealand but, if you are eligible to vote, you are required to enrol as an elector. Read this article to learn about the electoral process and obtain a better understanding of local government in New Zealand.

Income Tax
Income Tax in New Zealand can be confusing for many New Zealanders. Learn about PAYE, ACC Levies, Provisional Tax, GST, Resident Withholding Tax, Student Loans and Child Support/Family Assistance.

New Zealand Law
New Zealand has an independent judiciary but what is the Privy Council and is there a difference between a High Court and a District Court? Find the answers to these questions along with information on Jury Service, Human Rights and getting legal help.

New Zealand Police
By international standards, New Zealand is a remarkably safe and law-abiding society. The New Zealand Police do not carry firearms and they have an excellent reputation and are generally considered helpful and friendly. This informative article has been designed to provide you with information on dealing with NZ Police, your rights, what to do if you are arrested plus information on The Domestic Violence Act in New Zealand.

Tax Residency
New Zealand residents are liable for income tax on their worldwide income. If you are a New Zealand tax resident, you will need to pay income tax on all income you receive from both New Zealand and overseas. Find out if you meet the requirements for taxable activity in New Zealand and the role of the Inland Revenue Department (IRD).